
Menards chain of stores selling tools and home improvement. The stores are mostly located in Midwestern United States. Menards has 300 shops in 14 States.

The company was founded in 1959 as a small construction company. Since then, much time has passed chain stores Menards has increased significantly.

In the store chain Menards has all kinds of hand and powertools. All products of excellent quality and have warranty. Chain stores Menards is also actively engaged in the sale of their products using e-Commerce.

Shop Menards, you'll find many departments with the goods:

  • Appliances
  • Building Materials
  • Doors and Windows
  • Electrical
  • Home and Decor
  • Kitchen
  • Paint
  • Plumbing
  • Tools and Hardware

In the Menards store catalog you will find many of the best deals for you. The catalog Menards includes all information on discounts and sales which take place in the store in a certain period of time..